Govreports Digital Signature Solution
for Your Small Business or
Tax Professional Practice
In today’s online business world, you need a secure and easy-to-use digital signature tool.
Efficient and Secure Authorization
Digital signatures are your answer to fast and secure authorisation from clients, customers, suppliers, contractors, staff or anyone you need to exchange signatures with.
Secure Efficiency
Digital signatures should be an integral part of your cyber security strategy. In fact, esignatures are more efficient than printing, signing and scanning documents – and they’re safer than a hand-written signature! Esignatures can’t be forged like hand-written ones and have a high level of encrypted security. The process takes seconds on a desktop or mobile phone and saves you heaps of time.
Efficient and Secure Authorization
Whether you’re sending documents for others to sign or whether you need to signdocuments sent by others, GovReports Digital Authentication provides an excellent solution for your small business or tax professional practice.
Digital Signature and ESignature
Are Not the Same Thing!
Are Not the Same Thing!
Many people think that digital signature and esignature are the same thing, but this is not correct. An esignature can easily be copied across documents as there is no verification process involved. So they’re an easy target for fraud.
Digital signature
A digital signature is a cryptographic technique used to verify the authenticity and integrity of a digital message or document. It provides a way for the sender of a message or the creator of a document to ensure that the recipient can be confident in the origin and unchanged nature of the content.

An electronic signature, often abbreviated as eSignature, refers to a digital representation of a persons intent to sign a document or authorize a transaction. Unlike traditional signatures made with ink on paper, electronic signatures are created and captured in a digital format. Esignature are widely used to streamline document workflows, enhance efficiency, and facilitate remote collaboration in various industries.
GovReports Packages for Savvy Business Owners and Accounting Professionals
Fully featured tax lodgment software for Business owners, Tax and BAS agents that is super easy to use
- No more spending time you don’t have learning how to use clunky software! You can get up and running straight away with our default emails, letters and templates.
- Create branded and customised templates and letters for your business or practice.
- Use digital authentication for fast and secure authorisation from your clients, customers, suppliers, contractors, staff or anyone you need to exchange signatures with.
- View the ATO Integrated Client Account in real time.
- Update business or client details and sync with the ATO.
- Easy Single Touch Payroll reporting for businesses without electronic payroll software.
- Track your lodgment history and view outstanding reports from your dashboard.
- Lodge ATO BAS and all other ATO forms from the one place.
- Keep working even when the ATO is offline! Your forms are automatically queued for lodgment.
GovReports makes it easier and faster to access information for preparation and lodgment of ATO reports for your business or on behalf of your clients. Stay compliant and organised with a minimum of administration time.